Negaunee Associate Curator of Paleobotany

Fabiany Herrera grew up in Colombia, surrounded by the Andes and its many types of forests; from montane to rainforests. He first became interested in rocks and mountains during his high school years and quickly felt in love with fossil and living plants later as an undergraduate student.

Some of Fabiany's work includes the earliest evidence of Neotropical rainforests in South America (~60 million years old), enigmatic plants from the Mazon Creek Lagerstätte, Mongolia and China (~310-125 million years old), and fossil floras from Central America (~35-20 million years old).

Fabiany’s research investigates (Download CV)

  1. The evolutionary origin of the tropical rainforests and flowering plant lineages.

  2. The study of Paleozoic & Mesozoic plants to improve understanding of the timing of events in seed plant evolution.

  3. Paleobiogeographic and paleoclimatic history of the Cenozoic.

  4. Integrated paleobotanical and neobotanical studies of plant diversity and evolution.

  • Adjunct Faculty Member, Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago.

    Research Associate, Chicago Botanic Garden.

    Research Associate, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama.

  • Ph.D. in Biology, University of Florida & Florida Museum of Natural History, 2014.

    M.Sc. in Geology, University of Florida & Florida Museum of Natural History, 2008.

    B.S. in Geology, Industrial University of Santander, 2005.