Key publications from Fabiany Herrera


  • A possible vicissicaudatan arthropod from the Late Carboniferous Mazon Creek Lagerstätte

    McCoy VE, Herrera F, Wittry J, Mayer P, Lamsdell JC. 2025. Geological Magazine

  • Sphenophyllales from the Mazon Creek flora (Upper Moscovian: Illinois, USA)

    D'Antonio MP, Crane PR, Hotton CL, Wittry J, Herrera F. In review.

  • A new woody stem of Piceoxylon from the Early Cretaceous of Northeast China and its implications for the early diversification of Pinaceae

    Yin, S.-X., Dong, C., Pan, B., Feng, Z., Hui, J.n-G., Herrera, F., Herendeen, P.S.; Crane, P.R.; Shi, G. In Review.


  • New evidence of anisotomous dichotomy in Stigmaria ficoides (Lycopsida).

    D'Antonio MP, & Herrera F. 2024. International Journal of Plants Sciences

  • Palm fruits from the Oligocene of west coastal Peru.

    Hamersma, A, F. Herrera, K. Matsunaga, S.R. Manchester. 2024. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

  • Mongolitria: A New Early Cretaceous Three-Valved Seed from East Asia.

    Bickner M., Herrera F., Shi G., Ichinnorov N., Crane P.R., Herendeen P.S. 2024. American Journal of Botany

  • Reconstruction of an enigmatic Pennsylvanian cone reveals a relationship to Sphenophyllales

    D'Antonio MP, Hotton CL, Smith SY, Crane PR, Herrera F. 2024. American Journal of Botany

  • Earliest Dioscorea fruits (Dioscoreaceae) from North America

    Herrera F., & SR Manchester. 2024. International Journal of Plants Sciences.

  • Cenozoic seeds of Vitaceae reveal a deep history of extinction and dispersal in the Neotropics

    F. Herrera, M. Carvalho, G.W. Stull, C. Jaramillo & S.R. Manchester. 2024. Nature Plants 10, 1091–1099.

  • Estimates of late Early Cretaceous atmospheric CO2 from Mongolia based on stomatal and isotopic analysis of Pseudotorellia

    Xiaoqing Zhang, Dana L. Royer, Gongle Shi, Niiden Ichinnorov, Patrick S. Herendeen, Peter R. Crane, Fabiany Herrera. 2024. American Journal of Botany.

  • The enigmatic Triassic ovulate reproductive structures of Dordrechtites are recurved cupules fundamentally comparable to the cupules of Doylea and similar plants.

    P.R. Crane, J.M. Anderson, H. Anderson, P.S. Herendeen & F. Herrera. 2024. New Phytol. 244 (5): 2089-2100.

  • Direct evidence of frugivory in the Mesozoic bird Longipteryx contradicts morphological proxies for diet.

    Jingmai O'Connor, Alexander Clark, Fabiany Herrera, Xin Yang, Xiaoli Wang, Xiaoting Zheng, Han Hu, & Zhonghe Zhou. Current Biology: 34(19): 4559-4566.e1.


  • Investigating Mazon Creek fossil plants under computed tomography and microphotography. | Front. Earth Sci. Sec. Paleontology, Vol. 11.

    Herrera F, Hotton CL, Smith SY, Lopera PA, Neander AI, Wittry J, Zheng Y, Heck PR, Crane PR, D'Antonio MP. 2023.

  • Fruits of Anacardiaceae from the Paleogene of the Paris Basin, France. | International Journal of Plant Sciences Vol 183 (4).

    Del Rio C., Tosal A., Kara E., Manchester S.R., Herrera F., Collinson M.E., De Franceschi D. 2023.

  • An Early Cretaceous Sphenophyllum or a hatchling turtle?

    Palma-Castro, H.D., D.A. Cómbita-Romero., E.A. Cadena., M.R. Carvalho, & F. Herrera. 2023. Palaeontologia Electronica. 26.3.a50

  • The Miocene La Venta Biome: A century of research and future perspectives

    Juan D. Carrillo, Carlos Jaramillo, et al. Fabiany Herrera. et al. 2023


  • Leaves of Taxus with cuticle micromorphology from the Early Cretaceous of eastern Inner Mongolia, Northeast China | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Vol 298, 104588.

    Dong C., Shi G., Herrera F., Wang Y., Wang Z., Zhang., Xu X., Herendeen P.S., Crane P.R. 2022.

  • Silicified cupulate seed-bearing structures from the Early Cretaceous of eastern Inner Mongolia, China: rethinking the corystosperm concept. | Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 20:1

    Shi G., Herrera F., Herendeen P.S., Clark E., Crane P.R. 2022.

  • Belenocarpa tertiara (Berry) gen. et comb. nov. fruits of Euphorbiaceae from the Oligocene of Peru. | International Journal of Plant Sciences.Vol 183, (4)

    Hamersma A., Herrera F., Wurdack K., Manchester S.R. 2022.

  • Ancient trouble in paradise: seed beetle predation on coconuts from middle–late Paleocene rainforests of Colombia. | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Vol 300.

    Giraldo L.A., Carvalho M.R., Herrera F., Labandeira C. 2022.

  • Fossil papilionoids of the Bowdichia clade (Leguminosae) from the Paleogene of North America. | American Journal of Botany, 109: 130–150.

    Herendeen P.S., Cardoso D.B.O.S., Herrera F., Wing S.L. 2022.

  • A permineralized Early Cretaceous lycopsid from China and the evolution of crown clubmosses. | New Phytologist, Vol 233 (5) 2310–2322.

    Herrera F., Testo W.L., Field A.F., Clark E.G., Herendeen P.S, Crane P.R., Shi G. 2022.


  • An image dataset of cleared, x-rayed, and fossil leaves vetted to plant family for human and machine learning. | PhytoKeys 187: 93–128.

    Wilf P., Wing S.L., et al. Herrera F., Hu S., Iglesias A., Johnson K.R., Karim T.S., Zou X. 2021.

  • Early Cretaceous abietoid Pinaceae from Mongolia and the history of seed scale shedding. | American Journal of Botany 108(8): 1–17.

    Herrera F., G Shi, M. A. Bickner, N. Ichinnorov, A. B. Leslie, P. R. Crane, and P. S. Herendeen. 2021.

  • Extinction at the end-Cretaceous set the origin of modern Neotropical rainforests. | Science. Vol. 372, Issue 6537, pp. 63-68.

    Carvalho M.R., Jaramillo C., de la Parra F., Caballero-Rodríguez D., Herrera F., et al. 2021.

  • Mesozoic cupules and the origin of the angiosperm second integument. | Nature. 594: 223–226

    Shi G., Herrera F., Herendeen P.S., Clark E.G., Crane P.R. 2021.

  • Ovulate cones of Schizolepidopsis ediae sp. nov. provide insights into the evolution of Pinaceae. | International Journal of Plant Sciences: 182(6): 490–507.

    Matsunaga K.K.S., Herendeen P.S., Herrera F., Ichinnorov N., Crane P.R., Shi G. 2021.

  • Early records of Melastomataceae from the middle-late Paleocene rainforests of South America conflict with Laurasian origins. | International Journal of Plant Sciences.

    Carvalho M.R., Herrera F., Gómez S., Martínez C., Espitia J.E., Jaramillo C. 2021.

  • Rich and specialized plant-insect associations in a middle-late Paleocene (58–60 Ma) Neotropical rainforest (Bogotá Formation, Colombia). | Ameghiniana, 58(2): 75-99

    Giraldo A., Herrera F., Labandeira C., Carvalho M.R. 2021.

  • Symplocos Fruits from the Pliocene of Colombia. | Systematic Botany 46 (2): 416–421

    Manchester S.R., Lott T.A., Herrera F., Hooghiemstra H., Wijninga V.M., Fritsch P.W. 2021.

  • A New Assemblage of Plant Mesofossils (Late Turonian–Middle Santonian; Upper Cretaceous) from the Tamagawa Formation, Kuji Group, in Northeastern Japan. | Paleontological Research, 25 (2):120-126.

    Takahashi M., Herendeen PS., Herrera F., Hirayama M., Ando H., Sasaki K., Crane PR. 2021.

  • Biotic community and landscape changes around the Eocene–Oligocene transition at Shapaja, Peruvian Amazonia: Regional or global drivers? | Global and Planetary Change, 202: 103512.

    Antoine, P.O., Yans, J., Castillo, A.A., Stutz, N., Abello, M.A., Adnet, S., Custódio, M.A., Benites-Palomino, A., Billet, G., Boivin, M. and Herrera, F., et al. 2021.

  • Age of the Huolinhe Formation in the Huolinhe Basin, eastern Inner Mongolia, China: Evidence from U-Pb zircon dating and palynological assemblages. | Journal of Stratigraphy, 45(1): 69-81.

    Shi G L, Li J G, Tan T, Dong C, Li Q L, Wu Q, Zhang B L, Yin S X, Herrera F., Herendeen P S, Crane P R. 2021.

2020 - 2019

  • A new Choerospondias (Anacardiaceae) endocarp from the middle Miocene of Southeast China and its paleoecological implications. | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 283: 104312.

    Wang, Z., Herrera F., Shu J., Yin S., Shi G. 2020

  • Middle–Late Jurassic fossils from northeastern China reveal morphological stasis in the catkin-yew. | National Science Review, nwaa138.

    Dong C, Shi G, Herrera F., Wang Y, Herendeen PS, Crane PR. 2020.

  • Reconstructing Krassilovia mongolica supports recognition of a new and unusual group of Mesozoic conifers. | PLoS ONE 15(1): e0226779.

    Herrera F., Shi G., Mays C., Ichinnorov N., Takahashi M., Bevitt JJ., Herendee PS., Crane PR. 2020.

  • Canopy Structure in Late Cretaceous and Paleocene Forests as Reconstructed from Carbon Isotope Analyses of Fossil Leaves. | Geology. 47 (10): 977–981.

    Graham, HV., Herrera F., Jaramillo C., Wing SL., Freeman KH. 2019.

  • Middle-Late Paleocene Leguminosae Fruits and Leaves from Colombia. | Australian Systematic Botany (invited). 32(6): 385-408

    Herrera F., M. Carvalho, S.L. Wing, C. Jaramillo, and P.S. Herendeen. 2019.

  • 19 Million-Year-Old Spondioid Fruits from Panama Reveal a Dynamic Dispersal History for Anacardiaceae. | International Journal of Plant Sciences 180 (6): 479–492.

    Herrera F., M. Carvalho, C. Jaramillo, and S.R. Manchester. 2019.

  • Eocene Fossil Legume Leaves Referable to the Extant Genus Arcoa (Caesalpinioideae, Leguminosae). | International Journal of Plant Sciences 180(3): 220-231.

    Herendeen, P.S. and F. Herrera. 2019.

  • Diversity and homologies of corystosperm seed-bearing structures from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia. | J. Syst. Palaeontol. 17 (12) 997–1029.

    Shi G., Crane P.R., Herendeen P.S., Ichinnorov N., Takahashi M., and Herrera F. 2019.

2018 - 2017

  • Exceptionally Well-Preserved Early Cretaceous Leaves of Nilssoniopteris from Central Mongolia. | Acta Palaeobotanica 58(2): 135–157.

    Herrera F., G. Shi, G. Tsolmon, N. Ichinnorov, M. Takahashi, P.R. Crane, P.S, Herendeen. 2018.

  • Fruit Morphology and Anatomy of the Spondioid Anacardiaceae. | The Botanical Review 84(4): 315–393.

    Herrera F., J.D. Mitchell, S.K. Pell, M.E. Collinson, D.C. Daly, and S.R. Manchester. 2018.

  • New records of Humiriaceae fossil fruits from the Oligocene and Early Miocene of the western Azuero Peninsula, Panamá. | Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana. Vol. 70 No. 1, P. 223‒239.

    Nicolas Pérez-Consuegra, Daniel E. Góngora, Fabiany Herrera, Carlos Jaramillo, Camilo Montes,
    Aura M. Cuervo-Gómez, Austin Hendy, Alejandro Machado, Damian Cárdenas, German Bayona. 2018.

  • Leaves of Podozamites and Pseudotorellia from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia: stomatal patterns and implications for relationships. | Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.

    Shi, G., Herrera, F., Herendeen, P.S., Leslie, A.B., Ichinnorov, N., Takahashi., and Crane, P.R., 2018.

  • An Exquisitely-Preserved Filmy Fern (Hymenophyllaceae) From the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia. | American Journal of Botany 104(9): 1370-1381.

    Herrera F., R.C. Moran, G. Shi, N. Ichinnorov, M. Takahashi, P.R. Crane, P.S, Herendeen. 2017.

  • Paleogene Salvinia (Salviniaceae) from Colombia and their paleobiogeographic implications. | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 246 (2017) 85–108.

    Pérez-Consuegra, N., A. Cuervo-Gómez, C. Martínez, C. Montes, F. Herrera, S. Madriñán, and C. Jaramillo. 2017.

  • The presumed ginkgophyte Umaltolepis has seed-bearing structures resembling those of Peltaspermales and Umkomasiales. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA: 114 (12) E2385-E2391.

    Herrera F., G. Shi, N. Ichinnorov, M. Takahashi, E. Bugdaeva, P.S, Herendeen, and P.R. Crane. 2017.

  • Cupressaceae Conifers from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia. | International Journal of Plant Sciences, 178(1): 19–41.

    Herrera F., G. Shi, P. Knopf, A.B. Leslie, N. Ichinnorov, M. Takahashi, P.R. Crane, and P.S, Herendeen. 2017.

2016 - 2014

  • Palynological Record of the Last 20 Million Years in Panama. In W. D. Stevens, Olga Martha Montiel, and Peter H. Raven [eds.], Paleobotany and Biogeography, A Festschrift for Alan Graham in His 80th Year, 124-133. | Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, Missouri.

    Jaramillo, C., Moreno, E., Ramirez, V., da Silva, S., Barrera, Atria, Barrera Adhara, Moron, S., Herrera, F., Escobar, J. Koll, R., Manchester, S. and Hoyos, N. 2014.

  • New Fossil Pinaceae from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia. | Botany 94: 885–915.

    Herrera F., A.B. Leslie, G. Shi, P. Knopf, N. Ichinnorov, M. Takahashi, P.R. Crane, and P.S, Herendeen. 2016.

  • X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) of pyrite-permineralized fruits and seeds from the London Clay Formation (Ypresian) conserved in silicone oil: a critical evaluation. | Botany 94: 697–711.

    Collinson, M.E., Adams, N.F., Manchester, S.R., Stull, G.W., Herrera, F., Smith, S.Y., Andrew, M.J., Kenrick, P., and Sykes, D. 2016.

  • Early Cretaceous Umkomasia from Mongolia: implications for homology of corystosperm cupules. | New Phytologist 210: 1418–1429.

    Shi, G., Leslie, A.B., Herendeen, P.S., Herrera, F., Ichinnorov, N., Takahashi, M., Knopf, P. and Crane, P.R., 2016.

  • Fruits and wood of Parinari from the early Miocene of Panama and the fossil record of Chrysobalanaceae. | American Journal of Botany 103 (2): 1 – 13, 2016.

    Jud, N.A., Nelson, C.W. and Herrera, F., 2016.

  • A New Voltzian Seed Cone from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia and Its Implications for the Evolution of Ancient Conifers. | International Journal of Plant Sciences, 176(8): 791-809.

    Herrera, F., Shi, G., Leslie, A. B., Knopf, P., Ichinnorov, N., Takahashi, M., Crane, P. R. & Herendeen, P. S. (2015).

  • Fossil wind-dispersed fruits and seeds from the Paleocene of Colombia and their implications for early Neotropical rainforests. | Acta Palaeobotanica 54 (2): 197–229.

    Herrera, F., SR. Manchester, MR. Carvalho, C. Jaramillo, and SL. Wing. 2014.

  • Phytogeographic History of the Humiriaceae (Part 2). | International Journal of Plant Sciences, 175 (7): 828-840.

    Herrera, F., SR. Manchester, J. Vélez-Juarbe, and C. Jaramillo. 2014.

  • Fruits of Oreomunnea (Juglandaceae) in the Early Miocene of Panama. In W. D. Stevens, Olga Martha Montiel, and Peter H. Raven [eds.], Paleobotany and Biogeography, A Festschrift for Alan Graham in His 80th Year, 124-133. | Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, Missouri (invited).

    Herrera, F., SR. Manchester, R. Koll, and C. Jaramillo. 2014.

2012 - 2011

  • Sensitivity of leaf size and shape to climate: global patterns and paleoclimatic applications. | New Phytologist, 190: 724-739.

    Peppe, D., Royer, D., Cariglino, C., Oliver, S., Newman, D., Leight, E., Enikolopov, G., Fernandez-Burgos, M., Herrera, F., Adams, J., Correa, E., Currano, E., Hinojosa, F., Hoganson, J., Iglesias, A., Jaramillo, C., Johnson, K., Kraft, K., Levelock, E., Lusk, C., Niinemets, U., Peñuelas, J., Rapson, G., Wing, S., and Wright, I. 2011.

  • Permineralized fruits from the late Eocene of Panama give clues of the composition of forests established early in the uplift of Central America. | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 175, 10–24.

    Herrera, F., SR. Manchester, and C. Jaramillo. 2012.

  • Oligocene age of the classic Belén fruit and seed assemblage of north coastal Peru based on diatom biostratigraphy. | The Journal of Geology, 120: 467–476.

    Manchester, SR., F. Herrera, E. Fourtanier, J. Barron, and J-N. Martinez. 2012.

  • Fruits of an “Old World” tribe (Phytocreneae; Icacinaceae) from the Paleogene of North and South America. | Systematic Botany, 37(3): 784-794.

    Stull, GW., F. Herrera, SR. Manchester, C. Jaramillo, and BH. Tiffney. 2012.

  • Phytogeographic Implications of Fossils Endocarps of Menispermaceae from the Paleocene of Colombia. | American Journal of Botany, 98(12), 2004–2017.

    Herrera, F., SR. Manchester, SB. Hoot, K. Wefferling, MR. Carvalho, and C. Jaramillo. 2011.

  • Paleocene Malvaceae from northern South America and their biogeographical implications. | American Journal of Botany, 98(8), 1337–1355.

    Carvalho, MR., F. Herrera, CA. Jaramillo, SL. Wing, and R. Callejas. 2011.

2010 - 2008

  • Phytogeographic History and Phylogeny of the Humiriaceae. | International Journal of Plant Sciences, 171(4): 392–408.

    Herrera, F., SR. Manchester, C. Jaramillo, B. MacFadden, and SA. da Silva-Caminha. 2010.

  • The origin of the modern Amazon rainforest: implications from the palynological and paleobotanical record. | In: Hoorn, M.C. and Wesselingh, F.P. (Eds.) Amazonia, Landscape and Species Evolution. Blackwell, Oxford: 317-334. Book Chapter.

    Jaramillo, C., Hoorn, C., Silva, S., Leite, F., Herrera, F., Quiroz, L., Dino, R., and Antonioli, L. 2010.

  • Late Paleocene fossils from the Cerrejón Formation, Colombia, are the earliest record of Neotropical Rainforest. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106: 18627-18632.

    Wing, S.L., Herrera, F., Jaramillo, C., Gomez, C., Wilf, P., and Labandeira, C.C. 2009.

  • Giant Boine Snake From A Paleocene Neotropical Rainforest Indicates Hotter Past Equatorial Temperatures. | Nature, 457: 715-718.

    Head, J., Bloch, J. Hasting, A., Bourque, J., Cadena, E., Herrera, F., Polly, P.D., and Jaramillo, C. 2009.

  • Reply | Nature, 460: E4-E5.

    Head, J., Bloch, J. Hasting, A., Bourque, J., Cadena, E., Herrera, F., Polly, P.D., and Jaramillo, C. 2009.

  • Palms (Arecaceae) from a Paleocene rainforest of northern Colombia. | American Journal of Botany, 96(7): 1300-1312.

    Gomez, N., Jaramillo, C., Herrera, F., Wing, S.L., and Callejas, R. 2009.

  • Menispermaceae from the Cerrejón Formation, middle to late Paleocene, Colombia. | American Journal of Botany, 95(8): 954–973.

    Doria, G., Jaramillo, C. A., Herrera, F. 2008.

  • Fossil Araceae from a Paleocene neotropical rainforest in Colombia. | American Journal of Botany, 95(12): 1569–1583.

    Herrera, F., CA. Jaramillo, DL. Dilcher, SL. Wing, and C. Gómez-N. 2008.